Whatever your role is or whatever your need is, a set of business features are available
the Cost Estimate
the Offer
a competitive edge
Cost Estimates and Offer Prices are fully integrated. The Build Offer Wizard enables the user to quickly and confidently build an offer from the cost estimate, preserving linkages at the item level.
DeviProp makes it easy to build an Offer that aligns with the structure requested by the client in their invitation to tender. DeviProp’s "Links" context view provides an integrated environment to create and modify the links between the cost estimates and the offer items. Individual cost items can be mapped to individual price items or spread across several items.
DeviProp provides 3 alternative methods of calculating selling prices to align with the requirements of the Tender, the choice of which can be changed at any time during the construction of the offer:
In addition, an imposed margin or fixed selling price can be set for any specific individual item.
The Offer schedule enables the definition of customer payments for each item in the price list. The timing of these payments can be adjusted to manage the gap between disbursements (cash out) and receipts (cash in).
Close scrutiny of gaps in the Financing diagram curves and evaluation of the results of calculating the selling price enables the best selling price to be achieved.
Understanding the impact of potential financial costs affecting cash flow can enable the negotiation of advantageous changes in payment milestones.
Over and above the minimum margin target set by the organisation, DeviProp enables the inclusion of a negotiation margin to evaluate the impact of a more favourable selling price, enabling the organisation’s minimum margin targets to be exceeded.
Moreover, during negotiation, the client may request a change to the Tender requirements. As Prices are built from the costs through the links, an updated estimate can be automatically generated for the offer.
Generating the Costs to Prices Links report provides the detail of how the Cost Items are mapped to the Price items and vice versa.
Similarly, project cash flow can be optimised by aligning the disbursement (cash out) and receipts (cash in) curves, by modifying the timing and amount of Client payments to reduce or eliminate financial costs.
Analysis of the gaps in the financing diagram curve and the results of the selling price calculation helps the successful negotiation of the best selling price.
DeviProp enables the organisation to build and justify a “Cost Plus” or “Auditable” offer, commonly used in Public Sector bids. Detail of the Cost Estimate is provided to the Client and agreed margins are applied to derive the Offer Price. DeviProp is used to manage the contract at the detailed level and take account of agreed changes in scope and cost assumptions.
The interface is designed to represent the main results on an item by item basis.